West Coast Circling

Authentic Relating & Circling Training in the West Coast of Canada

About West Coast Circling:

We are still figuring out who we are. For now, we’re a collection of friends and authentic relating & circling leaders hosting events and trainings to contribute to the human connection movement here in the West Coast of Canada.

What is Authentic Relating?

Authentic Relating, put simply, is a practice of being you. Being real, honest, revealed, and transparent, allowing others to see, hear, and know our inner world. AR experiences are designed to deepen your connection with yourself and others, in an environment where it’s encouraged to express how you really feel. AR is a growing movement with communities around the world gathering to connect and enrich the human experience.

What is Circling?

If Authentic Relating is practicing the punching and kicking moves, Circling is the sparring match. Circling is a relational meditation in which participants share their sensations, emotions, and thoughts in the present moment while in connection with each other. Usually in groups of 4-6, two common types of Circles are a “focused circle” where one person is the centre of attention for up to an hour, revealing their present moment experience in connection with the group that is exploring their world, and “organic circles” where there is no focus person as attention moves around organically, people reveal themselves and follow their curiosity. Circling is a strong practice for deepening intimacy, uncovering relational blindspots, and leveling up EQ/communication skills.

What people are saying…

“My first Circling Immersion was the most potent experience of my adult life. I felt supported showing up in a deep honesty and transparency that I did not know I was capable of. The integration of this experience continues to ripple through all my human connections.”
- Allistair Dell

“My first contact with circling was at a weekend immersion hosted by Garrett Rokosh and Robbie stainton. I had a wonderful experience which would set me on a path to deepen into this practice. It was a weekend that covered the full range of human experience, from a deep sense of connection to intense discomfort. Circling is an excellent opportunity to step beyond social convention and learn more about what is actually happening, in this moment, between you and I. I would recommend this to anyone who craves a clearer lens on relational reality and would choose an uncomfortable truth over a comforting lie every time.
- Foster McGee

“Circling is a space where I consistently feel the most alive, honest and free. It’s a place where I can settle into the comfort of my somatic experience and feel at home in myself. At the same time, I can also choose moments to lean into the bolder edges of my authenticity and take more risks in connection with others. It is one of the few places where I feel safe enough to express dissonance and feel challenging emotions like anger in a clean and embodied way. It’s a precious tool for coming into attunement with a collective and witnessing one another in what’s present here and now.
- Andrea Wiebe

“Garrett creates a clear and inquisitive space. His prompts are evocative, adapted to each situation and bring a sense of ease to participate. Within it, I felt safe to share my heart's content and excited to discover deeper layers of myself.
Manuel Matsya

“Authentic relating and circling have been pivotal in my journey of feeling seen and known in the way that my heart has always desired. I never knew how much of a gift it might be to practice making the implicit explicit in a relational context: a recipe for life-altering experiences.”
- Alizah

"My circling immersion experience with Garrett was a worthwhile opportunity to practice and deepen fundamental relational skills that underpin my life. Every time I invest my time in this container, I walk away feeling profoundly connected and better resourced to step into everyday intimacy."
- Patricia Parkinson

"I appreciated Garrett's focused facilitation and his ability to both hold the space of the Circle, while also revealing his own experience in a transparent and vulnerable way. I've experience facilitation with many people before, and can see that Garrett is very intentional and skilled in his ability to support people to go deep and uncover their truth."
- Leo Cheung