Facilitator Apprenticeship

Start your journey of facilitating Authentic Relating & Circling

In a nutshell:

Over the past four years, I’ve casually mentored several people into facilitating and leading Circling via getting them to read some content, talking through deeper concepts, co-facilitating immersions, and debriefing afterwards. I’ve loved this. Personally, the journey of learning and practicing facilitation has helped me grow way more than just participating and it’s more fun. I’ve found that people interested in leading Circling are often down to go deeper, to truly embody the principles, and integrate them into their lives.

The core part of this apprenticeship is being a part of the leadership team in our trainings. A lot is learned through participating in the facilitator meetings and debriefing learnings throughout the weekends. You will lead exercises, teachings, and breakout circles throughout the trainings. Plus you’ll receive theoretical learning through assigned readings and written reflections. Apprentices will all be challenged and supported to step into leading Circling in their communities.

This may be for you if…

  • You want to start your journey as an Authentic Relating & Circling facilitator and leader

  • You already have a decent amount of Circling experience

  • You get excited goosebumps by the idea of stepping into the fire with a radically authentic and ambitious leadership team

  • You have already been on the journey of personal development and healing for a long time

  • You have evidence in your life of receiving and integrating tough feedback with humility and vulnerability

  • You enjoy being with depth, realness, shadow AND fun, silly, playfulness

Criteria for completion of the apprenticeship:

The following must be completed at your own pace within a maximum of one year…

  • Read The Art of Circling by Bryan Bayer and submit written reflections on the Circling concepts.

  • Read Conflict = Energy by Jason Digges and submit written reflections on the Authentic Relating concepts.

  • Participate in an Authentic Relating & Circling Training Level 2.

  • Practice as an Apprentice Facilitator at three level 1 Authentic Relating & Circling Trainings

  • Facilitate 15 Circles and submit 5 case studies to report on learnings from those Circles.

  • At least five 1:1 support sessions with Garrett to coach your Circling leadership, debrief what’s coming up for you in the apprenticeship, receiving compassionate inquiry, or help planning/promoting Circling events in your community.

Expectations of You

  • You are committed to pushing your edge of realness, honesty, revealing yourself, and self disclosure with our leadership team.

  • You are committed to staying in relationship with our leadership team, at least for the duration of the apprenticeship. Inevitably, conflict will arise, we will all get triggered (a lot), and you may want to leave. It’s ok to take a break or some space, but the commitment is to always return to connection.

  • You are accountable to doing personal development and healing work on the side.

  • You are committed to being mindful of how your wounds in relationship with parents or authority figures come up with the mentor (me). This being said, you are totally welcome to be triggered by me and encouraged to call me out on my shit too.

  • You agree to not sexually or romantically advance with students or participants of any Authentic Relating or Circling related events that you are a part of leading for at least 3-months after the event. If something does arise with someone after the 3-month boundary, you must talk to someone on our leadership team beforehand.

Garrett’s Commitments

  • I will do everything in my power to development your skillfulness as a leader and facilitator of Circling.

  • I will pay for regular coaching from top international Circling leaders to guide and anchor me in the intention of delivering a world class apprenticeship program.

  • I will model self disclosure and revealing withholds in relationship with you.

  • I will model taking honest critical feedback from you and be accountable to working on my shit that comes up. One way we will practice this is through scheduled leader shadow feedback and accountability meetings.

  • I will lean into my edge with supporting, challenging, and loving you - giving you everything I’ve got.


The full rate is $888 CAD and your apprenticeship must be completed within one year of your start date.

Scholarship pricing may be available based on financial need and resonance.

About the Mentor

Garrett Rokosh he/him

Garrett’s authentic relating journey started five years ago when depressed, numb and lonely at the end of business school he found his way into a AR games night. He left that night completely blown open, glowing, with a cathartic sense that those people had got to know him deeper than any of his closest friends. He was hooked.

He devoured an online training with the author of the authentic relating games manual, Sara Ness, then flew to Austin, TX to take her advanced facilitator training which was THE most impactful week of his life. He then moved to Austin for six months to deep dive into these practices and became an apprentice leader on her core training team. Soon after, his focus turned to Circling and led trainings with other top leaders including Jason Diggs, Mark Boughton, and Peter Benjamin. He led the first Circling Immersion in Western Canada, has led twelve weekend Circling immersions/trainings since then, and mentored several leaders into facilitating Circling.

Aside from AR & Circling, he just finished a two year deep nature connection program with Wisdom of the Earth Wilderness School, leads a nature mentorship program for teen boys, and is now studying compassionate inquiry with Dr. Gabor Mate. His company, Social Architect brings authentic relating into the corporate world. Some of his clients include Masterclass, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Burning Man and Mindvalley.

For a deeper dive into Garrett, check out his life vision.

Request Application Form

Note that to apply for this, at minimum, you must have attended a level 1 training or something equivalent.